Available Resources in Relation to COVID-19

The resources for information around COVID-19 are endless, so we’re sharing some that we’ve found most helpful during this time. As we discover more, we will add to this list.

Pennsylvania Small Business Grants

Most current guidance on all things related to the PPP Loans. See the ‘Program Rules’ Section Under ‘Tools.’

Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry (access to webinars, advice for non-profits, tips for working  from home)

Paycheck Protection Program Loan Calculator 

Paycheck Protection Program Frequently Asked Questions

Walz Group PPP Loans Presentation

Loan Forgiveness Talking Points

Main Street Lending Program

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

PA 30 Day Fund

Recovery Lancaster

Convergence Coaching (strategies for managing COVID-19)

Small Business Association (SBA) 

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 

U.S. Department of Labor 

Office of Unemployment Compensation 

Economic Impact Payments

Taxpayers Should be Aware of Coronavirus-related Scams