Industry News 

News, thought leadership, and innovative ideas for the future.

With the constant swirl of changes in the business world, government regulation, and complexities of operations, it’s hard to stay on top of what most impacts your organization. Walz Group strives to provide you with news and information that is timely and relevant to you.

Most Recent Industry News

Not-For-Profits Can Impress Donors With Financial Statements

How not-for-profit organizations can give the best first impression to donors with financial statements and form 990

Travel Insurance-Do You Need It?

Travel can be stressful, dangerous, and expensive. If traveling is your passion or if you recently booked the trip of a lifetime, should you purchase travel insurance and is it worth it?

Protect Your Business from Payroll Fraud

Payroll fraud is common and can be a hazard to any business in any industry. This article provides various types of payroll fraud schemes and prevention tips to help protect your business

Savvy Strategies to Purchase Your Dream Home

Are you looking to purchase a new home or your dream home in today's highly competitive real estate market? Follow this article to find the right strategy and situation for you

Managing Remote Employees: Five Issues Business Owners Should be Aware of

When it comes to managing remote employees, business owners should be aware of these five issues and consider the pros and cons of working from home

8 Financial Management Tips for Women in Today’s Workforce

If you are a woman looking for money management tips in today’s challenging and ever-changing workforce, follow these eight steps to effectively take control of your finances

What Can Your Business Do Now to Lower Taxes for 2024?

This is the time of year to evaluate how your business is operating and examine what options you can take now to lower your 2024 taxes.

529 College Savings Account Withdrawal Options

Have a child or grandchild getting ready for college? Find out the advantages of a 529 plan and the rules and regulations for using the account and withdrawing funds

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