Industry News 

News, thought leadership, and innovative ideas for the future.

With the constant swirl of changes in the business world, government regulation, and complexities of operations, it’s hard to stay on top of what most impacts your organization. Walz Group strives to provide you with news and information that is timely and relevant to you.

Most Recent Industry News

Be Aware of Certain TCJA Provisions Set to Expire

Business owners be prepared for expiring provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Follow this article for five important provisions that may soon end and how to tax plan

Don’t Let Your Business Fall Victim to Invoice Fraud

Follow these six steps to help prevent invoice fraud from occurring at your business and avoid financial loss

What is Your Presidential Candidate’s Pledge on Taxes?

Find out where the presidential candidate's stand on taxes and tax strategy including corporate tax, tariffs, social security and much more. Stay up to date on each candidate's tax proposals

Employer Sponsored Health Savings Accounts

Here is everything you need to know about employer-sponsored health savings accounts (HSAs) and if it is the right decision for your business. Follow this article to learn about the tax savings

Eight Step Wealth-Management Plan to Enhance Financial Security

Are you concerned about uncertain times and your financial situation? Follow these eight wealth-management steps and with some insight you can secure your finances for the future

Is Your Business Putting You at Risk of a Heart Attack?

Follow this article to find out if stress from your business is directly increasing your risk of a heart attack and heart disease. Find out symptoms, risk factors, and six tips to alleviate stress

Tax-Smart Option for Investing in Real Estate

Looking for a tax-savvy real estate investment? Try looking into single-member limited liability companies (SMLLCs) as this option can provide tax advantages to all types of investors.

Six Ideas to Execute a Successful Return To The Office (RTO)

Tips to encourage your employees back to the office. This article provides six key ideas for a successful return to the workplace at your business.

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