Contingency Plans

Every work week has its challenges. This week and those leading up to it include consideration of the impact of the Coronavirus to everyone’s health and all business operations. As businesses aim to maintain a safe and healthy work environment, they will also strive to avoid disruptions to the services they provide.

As you continue to perform business as usual, are you working on contingency plans to make sure your infrastructure is available even under challenging circumstances? Has your business considered what this could look like for you and your employees, if you’re able to provide this as an option? Consider completing an internal assessment to identify your readiness for “working remotely” rather than from office locations if it comes down to it. An assessment may include:

1. Identifying computer equipment available to be used in employee’s homes that will provide remote access to the your network,
2. Consideration of internet access and how to provide a boost to work effectively where that may be needed,
3. Consideration of how to process client needs,
4. Evaluating how you handle client phone calls if the office is closed,
5. Give some thought as to what you need to have at home to do your job efficiently.

Our team is monitoring the situation daily, taking into account guidance from the CDC, public health agencies and federal government. We will adapt our protocols as necessary and keep you apprised of all updates and changes but please know it is our goal to not create any disruption.


Reach out if we can support you in determining your business’s readiness and asses your contingency plans.